the bechdel test & the bible
And so, as Carrie Bradshaw did before me, I wondered - does the Bible pass the Bechdel test?
lessons in non-attachment
We lose our life when things fall apart, when despite our best efforts we can’t keep it all together, when we realize that the life we have isn’t worth saving.
purity culture survivor
I was taught that letting love be our guide would lead us to defilement; letting shame guide our choices would lead us to purity, to holiness.
parents are in crisis
I volley back and forth between the mom-guilt when I'm not the kind of parent I want to be, and resentment that I have these two little beings dependent on me for so much.
if i did not have kids
he wants me to read him the rooster book
I want to daydream
I want
I want
I want
a true/painful list of things I am grateful for today
I'm grateful that the pain of that ending has been the shit-pile of compost that has nurtured my life for five years since.
my favorite prayer
Make these words more than words, and give me the Spirit of Jesus. Amen.
it's my birthday
This is my prayer for you -
slip into wakefulness
like you slip into sleep.
gently. freely.
physically felt
one little thing
A rule of life gives order to our lives, so that we can dance and move creatively within the borders of our rule.