one little thing

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

A rule of life is like a trellis, the framework upon which our spiritual lives can grow. 

A rule of life gives order to our lives, so that we can dance and move creatively within the borders of our rule.

What does a rule of life actually look like?

Last week, we answered the question: How would I describe the relationship with God that I desire and seek?

Moving from your answer, this week we are going to identify one little thing we can incorporate into our daily lives that will bring us closer to the kind of relationship with God that we seek.

Fill out this simple form:

Three words to describe the kind of relationship with God that I desire:

One little thing I can do each day that brings me closer to that kind of relationship:

The time of day I will do that one little thing:

Here's my answer:

Three words to describe the kind of relationship with God that I desire: grounding, growing, challenging

One little thing I can do each day that brings me closer to that kind of relationship: set a timer for 5 minutes and sit in silence.

The time of day I will do that one little thing: after I brush my teeth at night

Feeling stuck? Here is a list of spiritual practices you might try as your one little thing:

  • lighting a candle (yes, it can be this simple)

  • set a timer and sit quietly for five minutes

  • turn off your phone for one hour

  • doodle

  • lectio divina (prayerfully reading a small portion of the Bible)

  • go for a walk without headphones and notice

  • pay attention to your breath. breathe in for a count of four, hold for four, breathe out for a count of four, hold for four. this is called square breathing.

  • write a letter to God

  • say the Lord's Prayer

This week, try doing your one little thing each day. Is it difficult to make this commitment? Do you sense God’s presence differently in your life when you add this one little thing?

Remember: our relationships with God are not about doing the right thing, and we don’t always need to make huge changes in order to follow a rule of life. 

What’s your one little thing? Share it with one other person this week.


Mother Mary Lynn


it's my birthday