make a sacred space at home

We are learning now, more than ever, that the church is not the building where we gather; no, the church is us, the people of God, wherever we are.

But still, you may be missing the sacred space of your church right now. You may even realize that you miss your school, your desk at work, or some other space that you didn't realize was sacred until now.

Holy Week will be upon us shortly, and this blog will have resources for you to celebrate Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday at home!

We can prepare now by creating a sacred space in your home. We are currently in the church season of Lent, so now is a perfect time to make a space for prayer.

The key to creating a sacred space at home? Keep it simple. There is no wrong or right here - the invitation is to find a quiet corner of your house, maybe a bookshelf, the top of a side table, and intentionally place a few holy items there. Here are some suggestions:

  • A cloth

  • A cross

  • An elemental symbol: a candle, a bowl of water, vines/greens, a small bowl of oil

Perhaps there is a sacred image that is important to you - an icon, or a photograph, or perhaps some art that your child draws.

The important thing is that each item is special to you.

Here's a picture of my sacred space at home. I collect rocks, crystals, and shells, and I love to have a living thing in my sacred space. I also love to light incense - could you incorporate all five senses in your sacred space?

My sacred space is set up on a small side table in our living room.

Take time today to create a sacred space at home. You can do this by yourself if you live alone, or with family. Children will intuitively know how to create sacred space - they already collect special things, and find magic and meaning in everyday objects.

Once you have set up your sacred space, take a picture and send it to me! You can email it to me (marylynn dot standrewspb at gmail dot com), or send it to me on Facebook. I'll create a collection of all of our sacred spaces.

Here's another great resources for making an altar for home!


a true/painful list of things I am grateful for today

