let your life speak
are you seeking to live a life more deeply connected?
do you identify as “spiritual but not religious?”
maybe you are - or have been - active in a Christian or other faith community but have doubts, or are yearning for more profound connection to Spirit.
it’s my honor as a spiritual companion
to join you on the journey

“We’re all just walking each other home.” - Ram Dass
what is a spiritual companion?
what does a session look like?
“Spiritual companions…are fortunate to accompany those who seek our aid as they unspool and discern their own unique sense of God, the Universe, or however they might refer to the essence of all.”
A spiritual companion is someone with significant training and experience in deep listening, as well as other key skills and knowledge. Some of my skills and experience include:
ordained priest in the Episcopal church for 9 years
have served two congregations as an associate rector (pastor) and rector (head priest)
completed 4 units of Clinical Pastoral Education, a year-long residency as a hospital chaplain for people of all faiths and no faith
experienced in using art-making as a spiritual practice
have taught sessions on topics such as: the Enneagram for spiritual growth, art and spirituality, reading the Bible for liberation and freedom (specifically around LGBT+ issues), women in the Bible, nature-based spirituality, and more
trained volunteers in pastoral care skills necessary for Eucharistic visiting (deep listening, commitment to mutuality, self-awareness, accountability)
completed Safe Church, Safe Communities training at least every 3 years
current member of Spiritual Directors International. view my profile here.
As your spiritual companion, we would first schedule a free initial meeting for 30 - 45 minutes, for you to share a bit about what brings you to spiritual companionship. If it feels like a good fit for you, we would schedule a one-hour session, working with your calendar and mine. We will meet on Zoom in a confidential setting.
Our session will most likely start with silence, as we both ground ourselves and arrive in the moment. You are encouraged to find a place of stillness, then see what comes up from there. Perhaps you are struggling with doubts or questions about faith. Maybe you are feeling restless in your career, and want to spend time wondering about your vocation, your calling. We may talk about hopes, worries, your dreams (actual or figurative), all while holding space to notice the movement of the Spirit.
I am committed to not proselytize, nor seek to influence or convince you of anything. Instead, it is my honor to walk alongside you as you connect with your own deep knowing and unique spiritual journey.
Often I use visual images in spiritual companion sessions; I may present you with a series of images and ask which speaks to you in this moment. This can be a tool for moving from a head space (critical, logical, practical) to the heart space (more creative, compassionate, curious). I also love to incorporate art-making into our sessions - from simply a sheet of paper and a pencil, to paints or paper collage - bringing art-making into the conversation is a rich way to connect with Spirit.